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Your Favorite Shot

by Tom Bourdon

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Viktoria Farkas GURU IV United States 8076
2 AH Chourak GURU V Netherlands 8058
3 Yellow The Flat Tire GURU III United States 8014
4 Cécile who? GURU V France 7973
5 Andrew Muhlhauser GURU IV United States 7935
6 Julien Serarre GURU V Mexico 7812
7 ✨ Bird Whisperer ✨ GURU V Canada 7781
8 Fateen Younis GURU V Pakistan 7752
9 Jón Þórðarson GURU I Iceland 7745
10 Lt-Col Feu GURU V France 7665
11 Dusan Jovanovic GURU III Serbia 7642
12 JustAnother Vampire GURU V Romania 7628
13 Ilan Horn GURU VII Israel 7625
14 Stéphane Gonzalez GURU V France, Metropolitan 7593
15 Ronen Rosenblatt GURU V Israel 7568
16 Rohit Sharama GURU V India 7538
17 That Yellow Guy GURU VI Germany 7510
18 Edward H Cordes III GURU III United States 7508
19 jonas schauvliege GURU II Belgium 7501
20 M a g g i e GURU VII Portugal 7482
21 Daniel Calicchio GURU V Portugal 7478
22 Fabiano Dos Santos GURU I United States 7477
23 Péter Nádas GURU V Hungary 7466
24 Babak Rahimifar GURU VI Iran 7420
25 Mr. Dee GURU V Serbia 7393
26 Rami Mouakassa GURU II Lebanon 7388
27 Avo Leon :-) GURU V Canada 7385
28 Sirius Lee MG GURU V Austria 7379
28 Alejandro Arnberger GURU VI Austria 7379
29 John Montes CHALLENGER United States 7373
30 NessyPhoto Agnes Brunner GURU IV Hungary 7341
30 Nu Yu GURU V United States 7341
31 Holy Grail GURU IV Sweden 7321
32 Lela Lela GURU V Serbia 7315
33 El Padrino GURU V Lithuania 7308
34 Annafranca 74 GURU V Italy 7302
35 Valdis Kundziņš GURU I Latvia 7294
36 19 K C O O L M 70 GURU V Italy 7290
37 rsanchezfoto GURU VII Spain 7263
38 Abdelrahman Ahmed | FF GURU II Canada 7256
39 Nora Skerlecz GURU VII Hungary 7253
40 Miguel The Lion GURU VI Germany 7238
41 Laimute Kuriene GURU V Netherlands 7233
42 Mandra Filozofu LeySel GURU V Uganda 7231
43 Horváth Szilvia GURU III Hungary 7215
44 István Kállai GURU IV Hungary 7209
45 Carina Wrangskog GURU II Sweden 7206
46 Khatti Von Leigh GURU II Australia 7203
47 Rosy maranoo MASTER Italy 7197
48 Seun @shutterspiks GURU IV Gambia 7196
49 Fatma Ercakmak MASTER Turkey 7195
50 A_ Asterix ヅ GURU V France 7192
50 Liviu Ivanescu GURU VI Canada 7192
51 Kevin Lecureur GURU France 7186
52 TS Nguyen GURU III France 7176
53 Erwin Hsu アーウィン GURU II Indonesia 7170
54 Erik Paul MASTER United States 7161
55 Luca Sharabidze GURU II United States 7159
56 Bas Greevink GURU VI Netherlands 7156
57 DG Gerve GURU VI Lithuania 7146
57 Claudiu Borsan GURU I Italy 7146
58 Rim Tim Tagi Dim GURU VI Croatia (Hrvatska) 7144
59 Yana Raaga GURU III Latvia 7143
60 Fred van Maurik GURU VI South Africa 7138
61 Waldi C5 GURU VI Poland 7137
61 Anita Szilos GURU IV Hungary 7137
62 Minh Le GURU V United States 7129
63 Rene Thommen GURU III Switzerland 7127
64 Ozzy Tezcan GURU VII Turkey 7125
65 CristianFerro WLP GURU VI Italy 7118
65 mmmmrvica GURU V Serbia 7118
65 Andries Meyer MASTER Great Britain (UK) 7118
66 Salvijs Bilinskis GURU V Latvia 7117
67 Kevin Orr MASTER United States 7114
67 Jose Mor GURU III Spain 7114
68 Abra the kamikaze Vampire GURU VI Tuvalu 7105
69 Едуард Зайончковски GURU V Bulgaria 7104
70 Alison Miller GURU IV Germany 7093
71 Lubo Perunko MASTER Slovakia 7083
72 Ajit Deokar GURU II United States 7077
73 Lily Xu GURU VI Germany 7072
74 nilgurer GURU IV Turkey 7069
75 Kata Kliszek GURU V Hungary 7061
76 Dieter Limy GURU IV Australia 7058
77 Ivar Thorsen GURU V Norway 7057
78 ariadna33 GURU V Romania 7055
79 Charles Gammon GURU II United States 7051
79 Toni RM GURU V Spain 7051
79 Just Li Photopedia GURU V Brazil 7051
80 Charlie Alolkoy GURU IV United States 7050
81 Geminidream23 GURU IV United States 7040
82 Pavel Rezac GURU IV Czechia 7039
83 Xan White GURU III Switzerland 7037
84 kenw7601 GURU New Zealand 7036
85 G.Shyam Chojnacki GURU IV Ireland 7030
86 Francesco Masi GURU VI Italy 7027
87 Lehmann Viktor GURU Hungary 7026
88 Ma va in ..ona :-) GURU IV Italy 7023
88 Henk Overbeek GURU V Bulgaria 7023
89 Konrad Nowacki GURU V Poland 7022
89 Melissa Nottingham GURU VI United States 7022