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Winter Is Coming

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Paul Hoogeveen GURU IV Netherlands 218
2 Vagelis Orfaniotis ADVANCED Greece 217
3 Jay Newman GURU II United States 215
4 ariadna33 GURU V Romania 212
5 Mogens Løth GURU II Denmark 205
6 nikitahonore MASTER United Kingdom 202
7 xanthec19 MASTER South Africa 201
8 Julien Canon GURU V France 197
9 Riccardo Valchierotti GURU Italy 192
9 Sergey Metlov CHAMPION Russia 192
10 Peggy Elegeert EXPERT Belgium 186
11 aogmike CHAMPION United States 185
12 Richard Pain CHAMPION France 182
13 Noemi Rivera MASTER United States 181
13 Constantin Gorshenin GURU V Afghanistan 181
13 vala mahesh GURU India 181
14 Mjollnir MacAlba GURU III Norway 179
14 Румяна Бояджиева MASTER Bulgaria 179
15 Mary Fitzmaurice VETERAN United States 178
16 TurboCesare Hippocampus GURU V Italy 176
16 Tony Pacelli CHAMPION United states 176
17 Sarah Harris ROOKIE Australia 174
18 Philippe Jamet MASTER France 173
18 Andrei Shao VETERAN Romania 173
18 Bernadette Cashen EXPERT Australia 173
19 Tomasz Matula TomEARTH MASTER Poland 172
20 Анатолий Зверев GURU V Russia 171
21 erenmemisoglu GURU United States 170
21 Mihail Cioinică GURU V Romania 170
22 Pedro Fioravera GURU III Portugal 169
23 super8 GURU Spain 168
23 Stefan Sonntag GURU IV Germany 168
24 Shawvon LeBlanc EXPERT United States 166
24 JenniV72 ROOKIE Canada 166
24 Michel Bosman GURU I Netherlands 166
25 Istvan Banyai (Dracula) GURU II Canada 165
26 Guima MASTER Portugal 164
27 Enikő Dénesi GURU Romania 163
28 sergio.47 MASTER Italy 162
28 Narasiah Tirunagari MASTER India 162
29 Miklós Szabó VETERAN Hungary 161
30 Agnes Elek GURU III Hungary 160
31 Tracy Hughes GURU I Great Britain (UK) 159
32 Nurni Flowenol GURU Poland 158
33 Reidar Olsen GURU V Norway 157
34 Barry Simmons CHAMPION United Kingdom 156
35 Stephen Bull CHAMPION Great Britain (UK) 155
35 Heidi Westum GURU V Norway 155
35 Lettie Pieterse CHAMPION South Africa 155
36 spring summer GURU Great Britain (UK) 154
36 Marko Cia MASTER Austria 154
37 Alex Mazilu GURU III Romania 152
37 Elisabeth Johl GURU III Italy 152
38 Ham Alizadeh CHAMPION Iran 151
38 zhenek.solomonov GURU Russian Federation 151
39 Dai Xi GURU I United kingdom 149
39 sbanna0422 CHAMPION Hungary 149
40 Regina Sunepa MASTER Latvia 148
41 guest.67360.58937 CHALLENGER United States 146
42 Konrad Uznański GURU Poland 144
42 Morgan Ashley ADVANCED United States 144
42 Szöllősi Zoltán MASTER Hungary 144
42 Suhwe Lee GURU V United States 144
43 Melanie Lenhart MASTER Germany 143
43 Adam Żabiński CHAMPION Poland 143
44 Felicia Robtoy EXPERT United States 139
44 Ann Arkhangelskaya VETERAN Russia 139
45 guest.7514.84274 CHAMPION Czechia 138
45 Cheryl Cole EXPERT Canada 138
46 Karen Lowes ROOKIE United Kingdom 137
47 Arvo Soosalu CHAMPION Estonia 135
47 Kerry Power GURU United Kingdom 135
48 Phil Simpkin MASTER United Kingdom 127
48 Hardev Singh MASTER India 127
49 Whitney Ruiz EXPERT United States 126
50 Andre Vermaak MASTER South Africa 125
51 Tyler Lee GURU III Canada 123
52 Dimitris Georgoulis GURU V Greece 122
53 Linnette LaHaye Yakinchuk CHAMPION United States 120
54 Monika Stonytė CHALLENGER Republic of Lithuania 118
54 Ladislav Ševčík GURU I Slovakia 118
55 Sandie Peters MASTER Australia 114
56 Alessio Vincler CHAMPION Italy 112
57 enza.vaccaro1956 EXPERT Croatia 111
57 Antonio Doerr ADVANCED United States 111
58 paulevenden980 GURU Republic of Korea 104
59 Amy Hall GURU II United States 101
59 Irina Salminen GURU III Estonia 101
60 Jim Ferner MASTER United States 100
61 Bry Diet CHAMPION United States 90
62 Dmitriy Goloborodko EXPERT United States 69
63 Jurislav Hrzic GURU III Croatia 38