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Wildlife Wonders

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Stephanie Vaughan GURU II United States 257
2 Louise Fox GURU I United Kingdom 253
3 malinnikmojmoj MASTER Belarus 237
4 Amy Hall GURU II United States 228
5 Ian Knox GURU V Great Britain (UK) 227
6 József Karas GURU II Hungary 223
7 Paltan Robert Cristian GURU I Romania 220
7 fruitmuis MASTER Netherlands 220
8 Georgiana Petrica MASTER Romania 218
9 Jurica Petrović MASTER Croatia (Hrvatska) 212
10 Manis Geo GURU IV Greece 210
11 Bill Emsick GURU IV United States 201
12 margy GURU Great Britain (UK) 199
13 Antonio Manidi GURU I Italy 198
14 Valter Cirillo GURU III Italy 197
15 Dima Mushko GURU IV Israel 195
16 innutalu GURU V Estonia 194
17 Adrian Crous GURU II South Africa 191
18 Adi the Pessimist GURU IV Israel 187
19 Regina Pellegrin CHAMPION United States 186
19 Clea D'Amore GURU V Italy 186
20 irio.jyske GURU Finland 183
21 Marcus Oliveira GURU IV Brazil 182
22 Matthew Parker MASTER United States 181
23 Domingos Alves GURU III Portugal 180
24 asharpscents CHALLENGER United States 178
25 Ivars Kuznecovs GURU Latvia 177
26 Ekaterina Fadeeva GURU Russian Federation 174
26 Israel Beery GURU V Israel 174
27 Rajesh Parmar GURU III India 173
28 Sirli Kyber MASTER Estonia 170
28 Hugo Ortiz CHAMPION Mexico 170
29 Gerda Ivan GURU Hungary 169
30 Urve Lätte GURU IV Estonia 168
31 Ralf Markert GURU Germany 167
32 Gordon McAllen CHAMPION Great Britain (UK) 166
33 enver karanfil GURU IV Turkey 163
34 Mike Shields GURU IV United kingdom 161
35 Abby Brock MASTER United States 160
35 Nanis Saenz-Moreno EXPERT United States 160
35 Tea Balta GURU IV Croatia 160
36 Silvio Pašmik MASTER Slovakia 159
37 eashenbrenner4293 ROOKIE United States 158
38 Manuel Adriano Martins Teixeira GURU V Portugal 156
39 jarryd withers CHAMPION South Africa 152
40 frombeyondthelens CHAMPION United Kingdom 151
41 Bruno Mendonca MASTER Brazil 150
42 Pablo Esteban GURU V Argentina 149
43 Amy Scheve CHAMPION United States 147
43 Vanea Auzeac CHAMPION Romania 147
44 teener_b MASTER United States 146
45 Emre Kirici ROOKIE Germany 145
46 Tameen Clicks GURU India 143
47 For Ukraine Montana Mottly Photos GURU VII United States 141
47 Kim van Vuuren MASTER South Africa 141
48 Lara Rademan ADVANCED Great Britain (UK) 140
48 emt_22_10 CHALLENGER United States 140
49 Ela Andrukiewicz ADVANCED Poland 139
50 Jana Skala MASTER Canada 138
51 Myreon Crumpler, Sr EXPERT United States 137
51 Slobodan Miladinovic TURBO is SHIT GURU V Serbia 137
52 hleffler88 CHAMPION United States 135
53 Kelly Roddenberry EXPERT United States 134
54 Johannes Baginski GURU V Germany 133
54 Phil Holding GURU Norway 133
55 Attila Hicz GURU V Sweden 131
55 Mjollnir MacAlba GURU III Norway 131
56 Bohacsi Lászlóné MASTER Hungary 129
57 Ashley Hill MASTER United States 128
57 Rob Mourits CHAMPION Netherlands 128
58 Ольга Будуйкевич CHAMPION Canada 127
59 Adrian Araque ADVANCED United States 126
59 Renier Joubert GURU V South Africa 126
59 Nicole Auger MASTER United States 126
60 Andrew Howes MASTER South africa 124
61 orsolyaolahgray GURU IV Hungary 123
61 Alex Dills MASTER United States 123
62 vitalvi MASTER Belgium 122
62 Gurushot_puzzle MASTER India 122
63 Morning Star Images GURU I Great Britain (UK) 119
64 Joan Ramon Molero Yll GURU I Spain 117
65 Zoltán Rásó GURU III Hungary 115
66 GINTARAS AMBER GURU I Republic of Lithuania 113
67 Philip Lim ROOKIE Great Britain (UK) 105
68 Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbitsヅ GURU V United States 103
69 Cheryl Schultz GURU I United States 102
70 Lidia Gheorghiu MASTER United Kingdom 101
70 Darrell Wisniewski CHAMPION Canada 101
70 JefGodfriedK CHAMPION Netherlands 101
71 Sue Charlton MASTER United Kingdom 89
72 markrgrs07 VETERAN United States 88
73 Alan Maddicks MASTER United Kingdom 87
74 guest.48818.48921 VETERAN Bosnia and Herzegovina 81
75 Ludvík Sukup GURU IV Czechia 80
76 Josie Manalo CHAMPION Philippines 78
76 Kayla Wilson ROOKIE United States 78
77 robertjacobson27 CHALLENGER United States 75
78 kaleb.p ROOKIE United States 72
79 kathyanng CHAMPION United States 68
80 reza ahmadi GURU I Iran 66
81 Derek Vee EXPERT United States 60