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Traveling The World

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Daniel Stamp CHAMPION United States 169
2 Not in Roma GURU VI Argentina 166
2 Kinsey Ollis MASTER United States 166
3 Gepruk Gepruk CHAMPION Singapore 165
4 Gschnitzer Michael ROOKIE Austria 156
5 Odjy Fadhil Pekanbaru GURU IV Indonesia 152
6 Suhwe Lee GURU V United States 151
7 Enrico Cross MASTER United States 148
7 arthur handy MASTER United States 148
8 José Alberto Arroba Herrera CHAMPION Ecuador 145
9 gary mcknight GURU II Canada 143
10 Alec Bonnstetter ROOKIE United States 141
11 Thoranin Triwit GURU I Thailand 138
12 christine_alcott MASTER New Zealand 137
13 Dinesky Celenia GURU V Venezuela 135
14 Dale Goodwin CHAMPION South Africa 133
15 Vlasceanu Nicu MASTER Romania 132
15 Patrick Kenealy GURU III Ireland 132
16 JD Swenson MASTER United States 131
16 Michael Dunham MASTER United States 131
17 amandadt1234 CHAMPION South Africa 130
18 Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbitsヅ GURU V United States 129
18 Rita Garcia NEWBIE United States 129
19 Huriye Erduran GURU III Turkey 124
19 Nathalie Bouazria VETERAN Switzerland 124
19 Andrew Piekut GURU IV United States 124
20 NessyPhoto Agnes Brunner GURU IV Hungary 123
21 SandRa Ra GURU II Switzerland 122
22 surfingdogs MASTER Australia 118
23 Macro Sagar GURU V India 117
24 Tamyn Poulter NEWBIE Australia 115
25 Raven Jay Photography EXPERT Australia 113
26 Earthsnapper ROOKIE South Africa 111
26 Pedro Gonzalez VETERAN Puerto Rico 111
27 cemosbey MASTER United States 109
27 Gary Page CHAMPION United Kingdom 109
27 anlysandrielle CHAMPION Finland 109
28 El-Mari Tosen MASTER South Africa 108
29 JellyDonut EXPERT Australia 107
30 Пламен Лобутов GURU II Bulgaria 106
30 bendover3314 ROOKIE Japan 106
31 Catherine Van de Merwe ROOKIE South Africa 105
32 Jo_s GURU Poland 102
33 Marcia Medeiros MASTER Canada 98
34 cynthiaf912 VETERAN South Africa 97
35 nishan Madhavi CHAMPION India 96
35 Emi Manolova GURU VI Bulgaria 96
36 Colin Tasker MASTER Australia 95
37 Leland Breckenridge ROOKIE United States 94
37 Judy Woodman MASTER Australia 94
38 warjurkarpratik EXPERT India 93
39 Rebecca Buřilová GURU Czechia 92
40 James Lion VETERAN Brazil 87
40 Pascal Messador MASTER France 87
41 Michelle Hubbard GURU IV United States 79
42 Sunshine Andra GURU V Switzerland 76
43 leli.daphne EXPERT Greece 73
44 Ryl Yap VETERAN Philippines 71
45 Johan Wolfard GURU I Netherlands 67
46 jerryfkam GURU Canada 66
47 Elizabeth Lord GURU I United States 63
48 sage suknandhan VETERAN South Africa 62
49 echtewouter GURU Netherlands 55
50 Michał Moś MASTER Poland 44