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The Art of Architecture

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Mona Lisa MASTER Uganda 165
2 Byrne Chapman GURU III United states 162
2 Dustin Hess EXPERT United States 162
3 Elvin Kingsman MASTER Greece 157
4 Sandie Peters MASTER Australia 146
5 Debbie Cole CHAMPION Canada 144
6 orion.20795 GURU United Kingdom 143
7 Krutarth Bhatt NEWBIE Canada 140
7 Veronica Andre GURU V Saint Helena 140
8 VETERAN Portugal 139
9 Ziggy von Sreser GURU V Austria 137
10 Yoda deJedi GURU Norway 134
11 Hunter Moran VETERAN United States 133
12 bagnes34 GURU I United States 129
13 Sathyanarayana K P MASTER India 128
14 ADVANCED Thailand 127
15 Carlos De Sousa Ramos GURU V Portugal 122
15 cody94 CHAMPION United States 122
16 Patrick Patel ROOKIE United States 114
17 katpaws34 MASTER Australia 113
18 Karen Sinstadt MASTER Great Britain (UK) 112
19 deedeetraj27 EXPERT Canada 108
20 Anupam Hatui GURU V Canada 105
20 Leah Messemore EXPERT United States 105
20 Ve Cu GURU II United States 105
21 Bruno Mendonca MASTER Brazil 104
22 danicat MASTER United States 101
22 Ashley Hill MASTER United States 101
23 Николай Гуляев GURU I Russian Federation 99
23 Rui O. Costa GURU II Portugal 99
24 Francisco Souza CHAMPION Brazil 98
25 Tamie Pucek MASTER United states 96
26 Michal Terry VETERAN United States 95
27 Jevgenija Zhuravleva MASTER Latvia 93
28 James Taylor GURU IV United Kingdom 92
29 Keith brown ROOKIE Great Britain (UK) 91
30 Анатолий Иргл GURU IV Russia 90
31 Jj Horn CHALLENGER South Africa 89
31 Lamyl Hammoudi GURU IV United states 89
32 By Chris Soldja CHAMPION Senegal 87
32 Balázs Nyárfás MASTER Hungary 87
33 Rosangela DG Lopes MASTER Brazil 82
33 Phyllis Phillips Clower CHAMPION United States 82
34 karinward63 GURU United States 81
35 Nancy Rodriguez VETERAN United States 79
35 Samanta Samano Calderon ROOKIE United States 79
36 Abdul Hannan CHAMPION Bangladesh 78
37 Greg Longson MASTER United States 76
38 Decibel EXPERT United Arab Emirates 75
38 Dee Allaway CHAMPION Canada 75
39 Fan Leung GURU VI Canada 74
39 ayeshamateer5 ROOKIE Canada 74
40 Dubz Williams NEWBIE United States 73
40 Michael Bohling GURU United States 73
41 Kok Lip EXPERT Malaysia 71
41 christielaboy CHAMPION United States 71
42 Blagoje Ranković MASTER Serbia 69
42 Levi Green VETERAN United States 69
42 Eric Stenberg MASTER United States 69
43 gary mcknight GURU II Canada 68
43 Kacey Hansell MASTER Australia 68
44 Take This Photo EXPERT Portugal 67
45 Erin Barabe EXPERT United States 64
46 Denise Walker MASTER United States 63
47 Mariah Magyarosi EXPERT United States 59
48 livelaughlove ADVANCED United States 57
48 Jill Lin EXPERT United States 57
49 DavyC ROOKIE United States 56
50 Kyle Charles GURU III Canada 55
50 stormsphotos GURU II United States 55
51 vchandee GURU V India 54
51 Brian Cantell GURU III New Zealand 54
52 Kimberly Foreman ADVANCED United States 53
52 Bob Lindop MASTER New Zealand 53
53 Rui Lourenço GURU Portugal 51
54 Jennifer Skelly EXPERT United States 50
55 Amanda Anderson CHALLENGER United States 47
55 Mark Shepherd GURU III United States 47
56 Nicole Kendall CHAMPION United States 45
56 CanonGuy MASTER Canada 45
57 Bhimsen Thakuri CHAMPION Nepal 40
58 charlieee MASTER Canada 38
59 CameraAesthetica VETERAN United States 29
60 Paula Smith EXPERT United States 27
61 Brianna Allen NEWBIE United States 24
62 richelle boney ADVANCED United States 23
63 Alma Robledo EXPERT United States 10
64 Judith Brown GURU Australia 0