One pixel

Simple Beauty

by Andrey Gerasimenko

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Ziv Meir GURU III Israel 2944
2 Lavender Dream GURU IV Zimbabwe 2932
3 G.T. F. MASTER United States 2930
4 Klara Green Zone GURU III Slovakia 2910
5 ✨ Bird Whisperer ✨ GURU V Canada 2900
6 Time To Say Goodbye GS! GURU V Slovakia 2894
7 R u f u s GURU IV Great Britain (UK) 2873
8 Just Barbara GURU VI South Africa 2871
9 Tommy Olsen GURU V Norway 2865
10 Daina Gelažnikaitė GURU VI Lithuania 2848
11 Anne ❁´◡`❁ ☆* GURU III United States 2833
12 Timur TE GURU V Turkey 2818
13 Juan Carlos Fernandez Gamazo GURU V Spain 2814
14 Renee Johansson GURU V Sweden 2810
15 Jurgen Bauwens GURU V Belgium 2791
16 Zen Gu ru GURU V Belgium 2790
17 Kaz_K GURU VII Spain 2780
18 Gioconda Teles GURU V Portugal 2778
18 Sharif Rahman GURU IV United States 2778
19 Max Rico GURU VI Spain 2772
19 Nashwa Gamal GURU Egypt 2772
20 Hussam S Ahmed GURU II Sweden 2765
21 Pepa Pelikán GURU V Czechia 2764
22 Marijana Hamer GURU VI Croatia 2762
23 Cécile who? GURU V France 2760
24 Anupam Hatui GURU V Canada 2747
25 Miha ❤️ the Vampire GURU VII Romania 2746
26 Bas Greevink GURU VI Netherlands 2745
27 Milan Rudinský GURU IV Slovakia 2744
28 Malgorzata Ackermann GURU VI Germany 2742
29 Roger Waters GURU VI Portugal 2740
30 Ice man GURU V Israel 2739
31 Stray cat GURU VII Seychelles 2736
32 Adrian Popescu GURU VII Romania 2734
33 Terry Hi GURU VI France 2733
33 ✮P̲̅i̲̅e̲̅t̲̅r̲̅o̲̅ T̲̅h̲̅e̲̅ H̲̅a̲̅m̲̅m̲̅e̲̅r̲̅✮ GURU V Italy 2733
34 David Houle MASTER United States 2732
35 Blue Sky GURU V Vanuatu 2731
36 Jane Bjerkli GURU VI Norway 2730
36 Alessio Cozzani GURU VI Bhutan 2730
37 Larry Reynolds GURU IV United States 2729
38 Mário Aleixo GURU VI Portugal 2727
39 Just Antje GURU IV Germany 2726
40 Gabrielle Stewart GURU IV United Kingdom 2725
41 ghost rabbit GURU V French Polynesia 2724
42 Lupita Flores GURU V Spain 2720
43 Chrissie Minton GURU VI Great Britain (UK) 2717
43 cachedigga GURU I Germany 2717
44 iulian mara CHALLENGER Romania 2707
45 Aurora Polar_Star❄️ GURU VI Aland Islands 2704
46 ♪ ♫ Lagertha ⁠♪ ♫ GURU VII Lebanon 2702
47 Zehra Bayraktar GURU IV Turkey 2701
47 Burçin Akın GURU V Turkey 2701
47 Iwona Czerniak GURU V Poland 2701
48 Nijole Byer GURU VI United States 2698
49 Rohit Sharama GURU V India 2697
49 Sharon Scharich GURU VI United States 2697
50 Carlos Marques GURU V Portugal 2696
51 mvbindsbergen GURU VI Netherlands 2693
52 Adérito Ferreira GURU VI Portugal 2689
52 Andre Miranda GURU VI Brazil 2689
53 Marina Venter GURU IV South Africa 2688
54 Victor Parreira 100 GURU V Portugal 2687
54 Silviu Nicolae GURU V United States 2687
55 Harry Eggens GURU VII Netherlands 2684
55 Monica Mihaela Pop GURU V Romania 2684
55 Cio C. GURU II Romania 2684
56 Lynn Hedges GURU V New Zealand 2681
57 Dimitrij Modic GURU V Slovenia 2680
58 Xavier Boulenger GURU VI France 2676
59 Alvaro Matias GURU VI Portugal 2674
60 Sanity's Overrated GURU VI Australia 2672
61 javier FC Carpe Diem GURU V Spain 2669
61 Luís Valadares GURU V Portugal 2669
62 GuruOneday MayB GURU IV United States 2664
63 Konstantin Slobodchuk GURU VI Russia 2663
63 Tatyana Nepomnyashchaya GURU V Ukraine 2663
63 Adina Calauz GURU V France 2663
63 Teresa Melcer GURU III Canada 2663
63 Georgiana Munteanu GURU V France 2663
64 Connie Puttkemery GURU IV United states 2661
65 Ian Pilkington GURU III United Kingdom 2659
65 Robert Varley GURU II United States 2659
65 sara wennerqvist GURU V Sweden 2659
66 Bruno Teixeira GURU V Portugal 2657
67 Sana Filipovic GURU V Sweden 2656
67 Dirk Luus GURU VI South africa 2656
67 ❄️ Camille ❄️ GURU VI United States 2656
68 Steve the Bandit GURU V Great Britain (UK) 2655
69 Agata Górska GURU V Poland 2654
70 Gesztelyi-Nagy Margit GURU V Hungary 2652
71 koen victor GURU VI Belgium 2651
71 C V Carpe Diem GURU V Tokelau 2651
72 Martin Nadymáček GURU III Czechia 2650
73 Bartosz Gieranowski GURU V Poland 2648
74 Lt-Col Feu GURU V France 2646
75 Pitu Nolla GURU V Montserrat 2645
75 Lamm K L Yu GURU V Zimbabwe 2645
76 Donna Van Horn GURU VI United States 2644
77 Rajeev Sinha GURU V India 2643
78 Adlene Tatar GURU V South Africa 2642