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Powerful Black & White

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Alex Luik CHAMPION Germany 285
2 Tamás Faller GURU IV Hungary 273
3 Stefan Pettersson MASTER Sweden 249
3 Snjezana Brajnovic GURU III Croatia 249
3 Cristi G the Vampire GURU VI Romania 249
4 Odjy Fadhil Pekanbaru GURU IV Indonesia 238
5 Angela Oliveira MASTER Portugal 236
6 Etermike CHAMPION Spain 228
7 Ondřej Slánský GURU V Czech Republic 225
8 Anna Elfving MASTER Sweden 224
8 Wildlife Fanatic GURU V South Africa 224
9 mirasus GURU VI Poland 219
10 DR3003 CHAMPION Serbia 211
11 Judit Takacs GURU III Hungary 206
12 be Fernandes MASTER Portugal 201
13 misgm1.30329 GURU Portugal 200
14 Carla Dias Photo GURU I Portugal 198
15 Dylan Dylan GURU III South Africa 197
16 Marie Susan GURU II Spain 195
17 Attila Hicz GURU V Sweden 192
17 Martin Kral Photography GURU II Czech Republic 192
18 Vilma Tik GURU IV Lithuania 191
18 uszonyos.peter GURU Hungary 191
19 Shomi Nazmun CHAMPION Bangladesh 189
20 Agnes Elek GURU III Hungary 187
21 Leon Handels GURU II Netherlands 185
22 Alin Manole EXPERT France 183
22 Glen Smith (Smirby) MASTER United Kingdom 183
22 Nikola Bogdanic MASTER Serbia 183
22 Tam Schwerdt GURU Australia 183
23 Maude Desilus MASTER United States 182
24 EssexWildlife Photography GURU Great Britain (UK) 180
25 Michael Hamilton GURU IV Australia 179
26 Vile Upe MASTER Lithuania 178
26 jbljohan123 MASTER South Africa 178
27 Harry James VETERAN United Kingdom 177
27 Kayla Nichols CHAMPION United States 177
28 Hans Lunenborg GURU VI Netherlands 175
29 Briellemade GURU Romania 174
29 Luminita Stan MASTER Romania 174
29 Torben Stæhr MASTER Denmark 174
30 Istvan Banyai (Dracula) GURU II Canada 173
31 Gert-Jan van Dijk GURU I Netherlands 171
31 Laura Dacey MASTER Australia 171
31 Laszlo Gera MASTER Hungary 171
31 Aksionava Vera GURU Belarus 171
31 Sergey shh EXPERT Ukraine 171
32 jferriday CHAMPION United Kingdom 170
33 Fabio Cam MASTER Brazil 169
34 Ahmed Karem CHAMPION Qatar 168
35 peach.booby.7 ROOKIE Sweden 163
36 Melanie Lenhart MASTER Germany 161
37 mghattingh MASTER South Africa 160
38 Mellamo Atef Amigo Aziz Jeff GURU V United States 159
39 mettemor MASTER Norway 157
39 tessy_k CHAMPION Sweden 157
39 Monika Aleksandra GURU I Austria 157
40 Babak Rahimifar GURU VI Iran 156
40 Jennifer Case CHAMPION United States 156
41 Pintsizedmoo NEWBIE United Kingdom 154
42 Jim Call GURU United States 152
42 photoby guz GURU IV Turkey 152
43 Auvo Takkinen GURU Finland 151
44 Marcelo Cerqueira GURU I Brazil 150
44 Inger Gustafsson GURU V Sweden 150
45 Scott Tostevin MASTER Great Britain (UK) 149
45 Zak Adams ROOKIE United States 149
46 loveblackandwhite MASTER France 147
47 Kristen Lee ROOKIE United States 146
48 James Banwell EXPERT France 144
48 Pip Wray GURU IV Great Britain (UK) 144
48 Dani Major GURU United States 144
48 Mogens Løth GURU II Denmark 144
49 Govindarajan Murugesan VETERAN India 142
49 Elżbieta Andrukiewicz MASTER Poland 142
49 gabo gabo MASTER Georgia 142
49 markus paananen GURU V Sweden 142
50 Helen Antonides MASTER Netherlands 136
51 Dee Squires MASTER South Africa 135
52 Sharon Sharon CHAMPION Spain 134
52 jacqtelem MASTER Israel 134
53 Carla Greenan NEWBIE Great Britain (UK) 133
53 Dollface Foto GURU II United Kingdom 133
54 António Marques GURU V Portugal 130
54 dlindy2012 CHAMPION United States 130
55 Carla Veloso CHAMPION Portugal 129
56 Matthew Beziat GURU II United States 127
57 Jon Thomas GURU United Kingdom 126
58 Janos Borbely GURU III Romania 123
59 Erik Csosza GURU I Switzerland 120
60 Brian Marcher MASTER Denmark 118
60 Susie Bennett GURU United Kingdom 118
61 Bruno Mendonca MASTER Brazil 114
61 linara27desilva EXPERT Sri Lanka 114
62 David MB MASTER Spain 113
63 Oakley Norris ROOKIE United Kingdom 111
64 Bruno Lee GURU United Kingdom 107
65 Victoria Lesh GURU I Georgia 96
66 Bruno de Vitry GURU France 94
67 Amy Hall GURU II United States 88
68 eve forgetmenot MASTER Romania 82