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People Around The World

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Alessia_Recchia GURU III Italy 316
2 Michail Christodoulopoulos GURU V Greece 313
3 nebiat6 MASTER Ethiopia 301
4 schattenspiel1 GURU IV Germany 295
5 Idemi Nazivac GURU III Serbia 275
6 Papa Magatte Max MASTER Senegal 272
7 chsarbajit1 MASTER United States 269
8 Dorota Ce GURU II Poland 267
9 Juan Maran CHAMPION Colombia 266
11 Tomislav Turčinov MASTER Croatia (Hrvatska) 257
12 Chuck Milledge GURU I United States 255
13 bambisut CHAMPION Austria 249
14 Naresh Kondragunta CHAMPION United States 245
15 Trini JoJo GURU V Trinidad and Tobago 236
16 CHALLENGER Brazil 232
17 rlreseck CHAMPION United States 227
18 Madhujith Venkatakrishna GURU IV Australia 226
19 Joaquim Leite GURU Portugal 225
20 nodar tvauri CHAMPION Georgia 224
20 Anto ACZ MASTER Italy 224
21 Jason Broadhurst GURU II Canada 219
22 Tracy Evans GURU III Australia 216
23 lisa weathers GURU III Great Britain (UK) 215
24 tarrneagi.19050 VETERAN Hungary 214
25 Bruno Diamantino MASTER Portugal 213
25 Raquel Ançã MASTER Portugal 213
26 Mikiyas Tewodros GURU Ethiopia 212
26 guest.23744.7996 NEWBIE Austria 212
26 Roman GURU III Czechia 212
27 gacek_37 MASTER Poland 209
28 fliip GURU I Portugal 207
29 Peter_Frederix MASTER Belgium 204
29 Francois Ellis CHAMPION South Africa 204
30 Bardugh Petrosyan MASTER Armenia 203
31 Bernadette Cashen EXPERT Australia 202
32 Blerina Ferko EXPERT Albania 200
33 Toni Galloway MASTER United Kingdom 197
33 Alan Shelley GURU United Kingdom 197
34 premkumar chandolu ROOKIE India 195
34 Marco Di Simone CHAMPION Italy 195
35 guest.69618.91749 CHALLENGER Australia 194
36 Silke Schwarze MASTER Germany 192
37 exergy33 GURU I Romania 189
38 Fatih Arslan ADVANCED Turkey 183
39 Annie Dio MASTER Hungary 182
40 Michael Eastwood MASTER South africa 180
40 Benji Martin MASTER United States 180
40 Michael Burlak MichaelBurlakPhotography GURU V United States 180
41 Mircea Negulescu GURU III Romania 179
42 gatej adriana GURU Romania 178
43 zahra6804 GURU V United Kingdom 177
44 Jifou Foto MASTER France 173
44 Junaid VP VETERAN India 173
45 lexil MASTER United States 171
45 Nicole Mills ADVANCED United States 171
46 Árpád Holu GURU V Hungary 166
47 Emil Živanov GURU I Croatia 164
48 Hot_Chili VETERAN Sweden 162
49 Kristina Johnson EXPERT Australia 161
50 Iv Ivanova CHAMPION Bulgaria 160
50 JM Resting GURU VII Belgium 160
51 Zafar Ullah NEWBIE Pakistan 157
51 Adrian Muh.Lawson GURU I Australia 157
52 Austin Campbell MASTER United States 155
53 Avtar Singh GURU V France 152
54 Piper Gosnell MASTER United States 151
55 kmpphoto2 GURU I United states 150
55 ide nino CHAMPION Indonesia 150
56 goodfella2459 MASTER Australia 146
57 Fajri GURU III Indonesia 144
58 dsource80 CHAMPION Spain 143
59 guest.59410.99746 VETERAN United Kingdom 133
60 bussermand.34803 EXPERT Denmark 131
60 Ioan Vilcelean MASTER Romania 131
60 Matthew Paskin GURU I United Kingdom 131
60 Jane Bjerkli GURU VI Norway 131
61 Fred Tiles MASTER United Kingdom 130
62 Flot Jam CHAMPION France 127
63 Francisco Souza CHAMPION Brazil 125
64 Dan Steeves GURU Colombia 121
65 palanvinod MASTER United States 116
66 Genowefa G. MASTER Poland 114
67 Mira Suchea GURU II Greece 112
68 Alex MS MASTER Portugal 111
69 Sally Morris GURU United States 110
69 sasasa MASTER Czech Republic 110
70 Filipe de Oliveira MASTER Portugal 108
71 Bóka Béla GURU III Hungary 103
71 clanklar CHAMPION United States 103
72 Adam Stubbe GURU III United States 99
72 Ebram Samir VETERAN United States 99
72 Mirjana Loncar GURU IV Croatia 99
72 Luigi Jodice MASTER Italy 99
73 wendy melton CHAMPION United States 97
74 Miguel Peluffo GURU Argentina 96
75 samer samir CHAMPION Egypt 94
76 Janice Le Cordeur CHAMPION South Africa 92
77 Louise Dhu VETERAN Australia 90
78 Lotta Eklöf MASTER Sweden 82
79 Mirosław Cybulski MASTER Poland 81