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People Around The World

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Ronnie Pluijmen MASTER Netherlands 231
2 burcusel28 ROOKIE United States 221
3 May Gal GURU V Israel 210
4 reticles3 GURU III United States 208
5 Dilyana Dimova BGS More than a Team GURU VI Bulgaria 206
6 Petre DALEA GURU V Romania 205
7 Tamara Hartridge GURU I Australia 203
8 Odjy Fadhil Pekanbaru GURU IV Indonesia 200
9 the last rebel GURU II Hungary 196
10 Lucio Di Giovannantonio GURU Italy 194
11 WilliamAndrew Harrison MASTER United States 192
12 Jumping Jack ROOKIE India 190
13 Felix García GURU III United Kingdom 189
14 Tamar Alazraki GURU VI Israel 188
15 irio.jyske GURU Finland 185
16 Ron Ron GURU United States 182
17 Virginie CV GURU VI France 180
18 Paul Hoogeveen GURU IV Netherlands 179
19 Romanas Olijnik MASTER Republic of Lithuania 176
20 goodfella2459 MASTER Australia 173
21 Guru Jaq :-) GURU V Great Britain (UK) 171
22 Mihail Cioinică GURU V Romania 169
23 Viet Llama MASTER United States 165
24 Andrey Shiller GURU Czech Republic 163
25 Julius Seizure GURU VI New Zealand 162
26 Cosmin Botaru CHAMPION Romania 158
27 daveywoodford GURU Cyprus 156
27 Bajkó Tamás GURU V Hungary 156
28 Marek.2021 GURU II Poland 153
28 Kayla watkins CHAMPION United States 153
28 Deniz Dincer EXPERT Turkey 153
28 Michał Moś MASTER Poland 153
29 Sandra Stevens MASTER United States 151
30 Jim Poch GURU IV Canada 150
30 Vali Suba GURU V Romania 150
31 Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbitsヅ GURU V United States 149
32 jbogdanova GURU V Bulgaria 147
32 Halil DURAK GURU IV Turkey 147
33 Paul Neg GURU United Kingdom 146
34 kpadding1987 MASTER Netherlands 145
34 Said Kalafat VETERAN Turkey 145
35 Viji Suresh CHAMPION India 141
35 Stephanie Daugette CHALLENGER United States 141
36 El-Mari Tosen MASTER South Africa 139
37 Daniele F. GURU V Italy 134
38 Alexey Perezhogin GURU Russia 133
39 Asta Rukaviciute GURU III United States 132
40 Wojciech Noworyta GURU II Poland 128
40 Julien Canon GURU V France 128
41 Loren Sellings CHAMPION Australia 126
41 Thoranin Triwit GURU I Thailand 126
42 Nandu Menon GURU V United States 124
42 Mjollnir MacAlba GURU III Norway 124
42 Stephane Bassino GURU III France 124
43 Cristian Barbu ☮ GURU V Great Britain (UK) 123
43 Connie the Furious Grandma GURU IV Germany 123
44 Shutter Queen Ann GURU II Germany 122
45 roby one CHAMPION Italy 120
46 comarniceanuovidiu CHAMPION Romania 118
47 Ham Alizadeh CHAMPION Iran 117
48 Andrea Wear EXPERT United States 113
48 Asd Pereda CHALLENGER Spain 113
50 Teodor Pironkov CHAMPION Bulgaria 108
50 Meryem Özkaya CHAMPION Turkey 108
51 Tatiana Messner MASTER Russian federation 107
52 Dennis Macro GURU V United States 103
52 Tóth András GURU IV Hungary 103
52 S. Retheniah Langa CHAMPION South Africa 103
53 knarfztipo MASTER Germany 99
54 Maryanne Cook GURU II Australia 98
55 20100olivier MASTER France 94
55 Andre Turrekens CHAMPION Belgium 94
56 Vladimir Jelic GURU I Croatia 92
57 DAVID OPARA ADVANCED United Kingdom 84
57 Amedeo De Grandis CHAMPION Italy 84
58 Puiu Viorica CHAMPION Romania 77
58 Emma Kikap MASTER Romania 77
59 Rachel Anderson CHAMPION United States 76
60 artem.ivlev MASTER Russian Federation 74
60 karen le Roux VETERAN South Africa 74
60 Angilee Cogdill VETERAN United States 74
61 john hopper CHAMPION United States 68
62 Ian Knox GURU V Great Britain (UK) 61
63 Anna Dabrowska MASTER United Kingdom 60
64 Delcina Bell ROOKIE United States 55
65 Quim S F CHAMPION Spain 54
66 Jodi Palmer ROOKIE United States 53
67 Abra_xas GURU IV Germany 0
67 None None 0