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Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Tiago Schon GURU III United States 185
2 Jasna Maća MASTER Croatia (Hrvatska) 161
3 MedixPix GURU I Canada 157
4 Nige Woodcock GURU United Kingdom 155
5 Dan Marham MASTER Great Britain (UK) 153
5 Jerzy sliwa EXPERT Poland 153
6 Julia Larrazolo VETERAN United States 152
7 Andre Miranda GURU VI Brazil 142
8 Justin Allgood VETERAN United States 136
9 Gerry M GURU I Canada 135
10 Alex Rocha CHALLENGER United States 134
11 Viranthi Perera EXPERT Australia 133
11 Olga Dzhuman CHALLENGER Portugal 133
12 galf.mbo GURU III Panama 132
12 Cleber E Lopes MASTER Brazil 132
13 Keeley Osullivan CHAMPION United Kingdom 130
13 Natalie Rowles VETERAN Great Britain (UK) 130
14 Nico Bühringer ADVANCED Germany 129
14 Emanuel Martins MASTER Portugal 129
15 Michael Leffel EXPERT United States 128
16 Manuel Adriano Martins Teixeira GURU V Portugal 127
17 Kevin Evers CHALLENGER United Kingdom 125
18 Elena Stoianova MASTER Bulgaria 124
19 Jorge Cascalho GURU III Portugal 122
19 Santa Nel NEWBIE South Africa 122
19 Mark Butchart GURU United Kingdom 122
20 Nicole Kendall CHAMPION United States 120
20 Kinsey Ollis MASTER United States 120
21 Hannah Dale CHAMPION United Kingdom 119
22 Jimmy Adams MASTER United States 117
22 Gal Reuven VETERAN Israel 117
22 Sue Charlton MASTER United Kingdom 117
23 BeaTichi MASTER United States 115
23 GURU Portugal 115
23 Marats Abdurahmanovs MASTER Germany 115
24 t.lajos0502.5506 GURU Hungary 114
25 Gary Harrison CHALLENGER United States 111
25 Thomas Salas Dual GURU United Kingdom 111
26 cosmin pisticiuc CHALLENGER United States 109
27 Elumi MASTER Switzerland 108
28 Badrul Mb GURU Malaysia 107
28 Jason Choi GURU II Canada 107
29 Mia Copeland ROOKIE Australia 106
29 Jacques Van Heerden ROOKIE South Africa 106
29 Marcus Oliveira GURU IV Brazil 106
30 Angela Blinde EXPERT Germany 105
30 joshuachristoffersen79 VETERAN United States 105
31 Brian Mooney ROOKIE United Kingdom 104
32 Kristian Pulz EXPERT United States 103
32 Adrian Muh.Lawson GURU I Australia 103
32 Franziska Binnig ROOKIE New Zealand 103
33 Steve Dale EXPERT United Kingdom 102
33 Bradley Turney MASTER Australia 102
34 leotanorvell CHALLENGER United States 100
34 Elaine Lutz CHAMPION United States 100
35 Jorge Teran GURU IV Mexico 99
35 Steven Bell NEWBIE United Kingdom 99
36 Cheryl Pattison MASTER United Kingdom 98
37 Richard Poirier GURU V Canada 97
38 w_j_d1 MASTER Australia 96
38 Luigi Jodice MASTER Italy 96
38 Katie.grace.04 CHALLENGER United Kingdom 96
38 Quayd EXPERT South Africa 96
39 Albrecht ROOKIE South Africa 95
40 lightwell GURU United Kingdom 94
41 guest.85741.88088 NEWBIE United States 93
42 starr.a.gomez ROOKIE United States 90
42 Edwar Lf ROOKIE France 90
42 David Streets MASTER United States 90
43 Mathieu Desbois MASTER France 87
44 Marissa Goodman CHAMPION United States 85
44 borderland MASTER United States 85
44 jakob.gabor CHAMPION Slovenia 85
45 Outside the Box MASTER United States 84
46 Alyssa Spirito CHAMPION United States 79
47 bs.h.284 ROOKIE Germany 78
48 guest.80116.99650 CHAMPION United Kingdom 77
49 Wayne Gorman GURU V Canada 75
50 Angelika Nielsen NEWBIE Norway 72
50 Natsagdorj Sanj GURU III Mongolia 72
50 shawncristineme CHAMPION United States 72
51 Melanie Flynn EXPERT United States 71
52 katpaws34 MASTER Australia 70
53 Cosimo Fiore MASTER Italy 68
54 Ryan Broshar CHAMPION United States 63
55 Roy Wien ROOKIE The Netherlands 61
55 Torfinn Johannessen GURU III Sweden 61
56 Milica Bojovic GURU I Serbia 56
57 Anders Bakken CHAMPION Norway 54
58 Andrea Wear EXPERT United States 46
59 ROOKIE United Kingdom 32
60 Erin McGauchie ROOKIE Australia 28