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Nature Photographer Of The Year

by Tom Bourdon

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Andrew Muhlhauser GURU IV United States 8384
2 Gunnar Haug GURU VI Norway 8269
2 Tamar Alazraki GURU VI Israel 8269
3 Fabiano Dos Santos GURU V United States 8196
4 Atilla Tuncer GURU IV Turkey 8172
5 Yves Dufour GURU II Canada 8170
5 Gal Meiri GURU I United states 8170
6 Gil Shmueli GURU I Israel 8129
7 Sean Mason-Farmer GURU IV United Kingdom 8117
8 D & Z Mrđanov GURU VI Canada 8056
9 Andre Miranda GURU VI Brazil 8048
10 CristianFerro WLP GURU VI Italy 8046
11 Nu Yu GURU V United States 8040
12 Sergio Boscaino GURU VII Italy 8015
13 Paul Gabriel Pasztor GURU I Romania 8010
14 Gabriel Fox GURU VI Brazil 8007
15 Margie Troyer GURU VII United States 8002
16 Xav @ GURU IV France 7993
17 Michal Vaněk GURU VI Czechia 7977
18 Teresa Melcer GURU III Canada 7969
19 Guy Wilson GURU IV Israel 7963
20 Charters Osborne GURU IV United States 7954
21 Stephen Day GURU V United States 7947
22 Richard Morales GURU IV Chile 7943
23 Georgian Grigore GURU III United States 7937
24 Ajit Deokar GURU II United States 7929
25 Balaji Sankaran GURU V India 7927
26 Ivano Pitera' GURU VI Italy 7925
27 Krzysztof Kozłowski GURU IV Poland 7922
28 Miguel The Lion GURU VI Germany 7920
28 Jirka “myšák” Niš GURU V Czech Republic 7920
29 Yair Tzur GURU V Israel 7916
30 Sânziana Răchiţeanu GURU III Romania 7905
31 the monkey turbocharged 100 GURU V Mozambique 7904
32 Game Over GURU I Sweden 7897
33 Keith Sendall GURU V United States 7864
34 Barrie Lathwell GURU VI Great Britain (UK) 7863
34 Luca Sharabidze GURU II United States 7863
35 Rob Edgren GURU V Australia 7855
36 Dave Hatton GURU III United States 7851
36 Old Panda GURU V Finland 7851
37 Anre Uys GURU III South Africa 7850
37 Dubravka Kovačević GURU III Croatia 7850
38 Rop Oudkerk GURU II Netherlands 7848
39 Juan Carlos Fernandez Gamazo GURU V Spain 7846
40 Ren Sk MASTER Republic of Lithuania 7845
41 Ailon Glitz GURU V Israel 7843
42 Rupin Kotecha GURU V United States 7837
43 Zdenek Pachovsky GURU II Czechia 7830
44 Nora Skerlecz GURU VII Hungary 7829
45 Cristian Moretti GURU IV Italy 7812
46 Csaba Toth GURU II United States 7797
47 Ngọc Trâm Trần - Vành Khuyên GURU VI United States 7786
48 Fateen Younis GURU V Pakistan 7783
49 Ophira Eschinasi GURU V Belgium 7773
50 Volodymyr Antypenko GURU V France 7767
51 Guenter Horniak GURU IV Austria 7759
51 Maja Tomic GURU I Serbia 7759
52 MAD MAX GURU V Spain 7744
53 Jiří Kliment GURU IV Czechia 7731
54 Geminidream23 GURU IV United States 7728
55 Tore Canu GURU VII Italy 7722
56 Ridy Purnama GURU III Indonesia 7719
57 Aleksandr RND GURU VI Russia 7714
58 Steph Neethling MASTER South Africa 7711
59 kmohamad GURU II Saudi Arabia 7710
60 Zdenek Janovsky GURU V Czech Republic 7704
61 ignjat25 MASTER Serbia 7697
62 Ice man GURU V Israel 7694
62 Irena Říhová GURU V Czechia 7694
63 Alexander Schitschka GURU I Germany 7691
64 Valeria Schmidt GURU V Austria 7684
65 cedric_zw GURU III Switzerland 7682
66 Joe Reece GURU IV United States 7669
67 Chris R. Gallo MASTER United States 7665
67 Bajkó Tamás GURU V Hungary 7665
67 Zina Solov GURU II Israel 7665
68 Henk Overbeek GURU V Bulgaria 7660
69 Don Young GURU I United States 7659
70 Trevor LePrevost MASTER United States 7655
71 Peter Falcon GURU VI Poland 7654
72 Mauro Pozzoli GURU II Italy 7649
73 Roberto Valdes GURU VI Cuba 7645
73 Jaco Ehlers GURU I Australia 7645
74 Rolando Yera GURU II United States 7640
75 Johann Harmse GURU III South Africa 7636
76 Mlle Nömi MASTER Switzerland 7630
77 Anca The Vampire GURU VII Romania 7629
78 JJ, I don't play if I don't get the minigame GURU VI Spain 7628
79 Deyan Kiryazov GURU IV Bulgaria 7612
80 I Found My Nikon GURU I Poland 7609
81 Francesco Frilli MASTER Italy 7603
82 kornakp GURU IV Canada 7596
83 Dainius VI GURU II Norway 7595
84 Julien Serarre GURU V Mexico 7590
85 Robert Callanan MASTER Australia 7584
86 Juris Kraulis GURU IV Latvia 7581
87 Peter Arlekrans GURU V Sweden 7579
88 christinesartventures GURU V Singapore 7578
89 Elise Garland GURU IV United Kingdom 7577
90 AstroFreak MASTER Great Britain (UK) 7575