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My Most Voted

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Richard Poirier GURU V Canada 144
2 daskibum GURU United States 127
3 rndestefano CHAMPION United States 124
4 Daniel Tripp CHALLENGER United States 123
5 Michael Bohling GURU United States 115
6 Latoya Fournier CHAMPION United States 114
7 Renae Howard EXPERT United States 112
8 Kimberly Blankenship EXPERT United States 109
9 Suhwe Lee GURU V United States 106
10 imannucci CHAMPION Italy 104
11 Jessie Ray CHAMPION United States 103
12 Katri Kotkas GURU I Estonia 102
13 David DeBord GURU VI United States 99
13 Tanya Fisher VETERAN United Kingdom 99
14 lluoer08 CHALLENGER United States 96
14 MeganShickhard MASTER Great Britain (UK) 96
14 Ryan Gonyea MASTER United States 96
15 JCWestfa MASTER Netherlands 94
16 Nethe Kaas Pedersen CHAMPION Denmark 93
17 Rupin Kotecha GURU V United States 92
17 guest.13802.40831 ADVANCED Australia 92
17 NadyaOL MASTER United Kingdom 92
18 Gry Heubach GURU III Norway 89
19 Youssef Lamwati VETERAN Morocco 88
20 Sean Kershaw ROOKIE United States 87
21 bagnes34 GURU I United States 86
21 Evan Iskenderian CHAMPION United States 86
22 jrmorrison09 EXPERT United States 85
23 christina Rulison ROOKIE United States 84
24 Flo Sho EXPERT United States 82
24 Daniela Alessi GURU I Italy 82
25 Dan Sommer GURU IV United States 81
25 Ronni Gallegos CHAMPION United States 81
26 Liher Huang GURU Canada 80
26 EssexWildlife Photography GURU Great Britain (UK) 80
26 Cj Montgomery ROOKIE United States 80
26 Martin Kral Photography GURU II Czech Republic 80
27 Milica Bojovic GURU I Serbia 79
27 Alina Niculae MASTER Romania 79
28 Andrea McAdam MASTER Great Britain (UK) 77
29 eodoniel ROOKIE United States 74
30 Domingo González GURU V Spain 71
31 guest.9043.88314 ROOKIE United States 70
31 Cosimo Fiore MASTER Italy 70
32 atlas.analect ROOKIE United States 67
32 Meera Kothari CHAMPION United States 67
33 Tracy Reynolds CHAMPION United States 66
33 Tyrone Loutan GURU III Canada 66
34 Délta Léonide CHAMPION Canada 65
35 Mike McRae CHAMPION Canada 63
35 Amber Amell MASTER United States 63
36 Dave LeSauvage GURU V Canada 62
37 Gibney ADVANCED United States 60
38 New Chapter NEWBIE United States 59
39 its.harley ROOKIE United States 58
40 pepperandclove ADVANCED United States 57
40 Aidan Loberg EXPERT United States 57
41 Lady of the Castle GURU V Great Britain (UK) 56
42 WEM WEM MASTER United States 54
43 Juve Sanchez CHAMPION United States 52
44 Mat Stevens MASTER United Kingdom 51
44 eric thomas ADVANCED United States 51
45 Taryn Mccarron VETERAN Canada 48
46 Marco Gaddini CHAMPION Italy 46
46 QueenRA1111 CHAMPION United States 46
47 Alex Kaufman-Long CHAMPION United States 45
48 papadopoulouasimina3 GURU Greece 42
48 Raven Jayne Burton VETERAN United Kingdom 42
49 Laura P Ruffino EXPERT United States 41
50 Rafal Marcinkiewicz GURU Poland 40
50 Mallory Warner MASTER United States 40
51 Amber Fort CHAMPION United States 38
52 pamelareasor ADVANCED United States 33
53 Allie Prouse CHAMPION Canada 32
54 Luis Jordao GURU Portugal 26
55 Rebecca Sullivan MASTER United States 25
56 Courtney Hinson CHAMPION United States 24
57 Amy Scheve CHAMPION United States 23
58 Pamela Rickey ROOKIE United States 15
59 ydreyn1 CHAMPION United Kingdom 8
60 Cosmin Botaru MASTER Romania 0