One pixel


by tomi1302

Show me some apes and monkeys!

The most human-like of all the animals. Big and small, on trees or in the zoo, they make a great picture. Let's see them, …

Prizes worth200
Start timeNov. 23, 2023, 6 a.m.
Close timeNov. 25, 2023, 5:50 a.m.
Duration/Type / speed
Vote hours delay0
Boost factor0
Boost votes
Boost interval0
Boost reduce views0
Exposure decrease percent
Exposure indicator max delta percent
Max photo submits1
Guru points0
Guru points members0
Guru picks102
Guruscope Votes Index: 1671
Ranking levels
No - 0
Popular - 50
Skilled - 250
Premier - 600
Elite - 1200
All Star - 2100