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Feeling Alone

by Gunter Winters

Share photos that portray that "lonely feeling". You can convey loneliness in many ways.

Use composition, lighting & shadows, posing, props, and sometimes even the weather to get that feeling …

Prizes worth180
Start timeApril 12, 2021, midnight
Close timeApril 14, 2021, midnight
Duration/Type48 / default
Vote hours delay2
Boost factor40
Boost votes45
Boost interval8
Boost reduce views130
Exposure decrease percent30
Exposure indicator max delta percent 90
Max photo submits2
Guru points100
Guru points members1000
Guru picks101
Guruscope Votes Index: 849
Ranking levels
No - 0 [15]
Popular - 50
Skilled - 200 [95]
Premier - 500 [1261]
Elite - 1000 [4490]
All Star - 2000 [2179]