by Gunter Winters
Share photos that portray that "lonely feeling". You can convey loneliness in many ways.
Use composition, lighting & shadows, posing, props, and sometimes even the weather to get that feeling …
Votes | 13600000 |
Prizes worth | 180 |
Start time | April 12, 2021, midnight |
Close time | April 14, 2021, midnight |
Duration/Type | 48 / default |
Vote hours delay | 2 |
Boost factor | 40 |
Boost votes | 45 |
Boost interval | 8 |
Boost reduce views | 130 |
Exposure decrease percent | 30 |
Exposure indicator max delta percent | 90 |
Max photo submits | 2 |
Entries | 16016 |
Players | 8028 |
Guru points | 100 |
Guru points members | 1000 |
Guru picks | 101 |
Ranking levels |
No - 0 [15] |
Popular - 50 |
Skilled - 200 [95] |
Premier - 500 [1261] |
Elite - 1000 [4490] |
All Star - 2000 [2179] |