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Inspiration Time

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Trini JoJo GURU V Trinidad and Tobago 279
2 Sandra Wessel GURU V Germany 269
3 Madhujith Venkatakrishna GURU IV Australia 254
4 billbelanger78 CHAMPION United States 245
5 Bruno Diamantino MASTER Portugal 241
6 Jerzy sliwa EXPERT Poland 240
7 Michail Christodoulopoulos GURU V Greece 239
8 Abra the kamikaze Vampire GURU VI Tuvalu 237
8 Amy Barker Rollins MASTER United States 237
9 Frans van Luit GURU I Netherlands 231
10 salix mandegar CHAMPION Iran 230
11 Marissa Rose GURU United States 227
12 Mauro Castagna GURU V Italy 223
13 Adrian Muh.Lawson GURU I Australia 211
14 Joaquim Leite GURU Portugal 210
15 Alexander Olaya Ojeda EXPERT Colombia 206
15 Danielle Record MASTER United States 206
15 Mário J. P. Félix GURU II Portugal 206
16 Felicia Extine MASTER United States 203
17 Hot_Chili VETERAN Sweden 202
18 AbuOmar GURU V Saudi Arabia 197
19 Annie Dio MASTER Hungary 196
20 Alan Shelley GURU United Kingdom 194
21 lexil MASTER United States 193
22 sasasa MASTER Czech Republic 191
23 Tekla Kiss MASTER Hungary 189
24 MedixPix GURU I Canada 186
25 DEJA VU GURU I EastTimor 185
26 Raquel Ançã MASTER Portugal 184
27 R. Henry Bennett IV VETERAN United States 182
28 Courtney Friend CHAMPION United States 181
29 christine_alcott MASTER New Zealand 179
30 Mira Suchea GURU II Greece 178
31 Benji Martin MASTER United States 170
32 Jason Broadhurst GURU II Canada 165
32 Gertjan Van der Kooij MASTER Netherlands 165
33 Blaecleah Loyd NEWBIE United States 164
33 Genowefa G. MASTER Poland 164
34 Michael Eastwood MASTER South africa 163
35 Nic Green GURU United States 162
36 srikanthsri060298 NEWBIE India 156
37 styvyn Blaque EXPERT United States 150
38 MufleyBufley CHAMPION United Arab Emirates 149
39 Luiz Di Bella MASTER Brazil 148
40 Elisabeth Van Schaïk CHAMPION Netherlands 145
41 cisemsenkal EXPERT Türkiye 140
42 Nina Wopat GURU Germany 133
43 Ziggy von Sreser GURU V Austria 131
44 KMWjohnson EXPERT United States 125
45 Bóka Béla GURU III Hungary 120
46 Ioan Vilcelean MASTER Romania 119
46 Margaret Crompton GURU III Great Britain (UK) 119
47 Snap Shot MASTER Croatia (Hrvatska) 115
48 Laura Brown VETERAN United Kingdom 113
49 Vanessa Sias EXPERT Brazil 112
50 samer samir CHAMPION Egypt 106
51 premkumar chandolu ROOKIE India 105
52 Kevin Nuñez EXPERT Honduras 99
53 Αθηνά Διαμαντάρα MASTER Greece 94
54 Joanna Rek MASTER Poland 74
55 Tomislav Turčinov MASTER Croatia (Hrvatska) 71
56 Mehedi Amin GURU Bangladesh 66
57 Alexandra Trochidou CHALLENGER Greece 44
58 Emma Kettle MASTER United Kingdom 33
59 guest.63949.49220 VETERAN Israel 15
60 Em314 MASTER United States 12