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Golden Guru’s Pick

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Boostard Mood GURU V Christmas Island 2804
2 Victor Parreira 100 GURU V Portugal 2757
3 That Yellow Guy in retirement GURU VII Germany 2750
4 Micha Mettier GURU VII Switzerland 2732
5 Esme Estrada GURU VI Mexico 2729
6 Anca The Vampire GURU VII Romania 2713
7 Steven Thomas GURU V Great Britain (UK) 2690
8 Nora Skerlecz GURU VII Hungary 2685
9 Edit Novák GURU Austria 2679
10 RTR GURU India 2678
11 Vinci enzo GURU V Switzerland 2669
12 Xball GSF GURU V France 2663
13 Dusan Jovanovic GURU III Serbia 2656
14 Roland Hank ended playing because of Turbo Bullshit GURU VI Germany 2651
15 Baby Llama GURU V Egypt 2644
16 Trippin Lizzie GURU VII United States 2629
17 Llamaste Llama GURU VI United States 2607
18 Luís Valadares 100 GURU V Portugal 2606
19 RooS .. GURU VI Netherlands 2603
20 Ice man GURU V Israel 2591
20 The Hungarian Vampire GURU V Germany 2591
21 Robert | C4 GURU III Nepal 2581
22 Dusan Kozar GURU V Slovenia 2572
23 Fred Matos GURU VII Brazil 2570
24 Salvijs Bilinskis GURU V Latvia 2561
25 Juan Carlos Fernandez Gamazo GURU V Spain 2560
26 Bruno Ribeiro GURU VI Portugal 2559
26 Ružica Borković GURU VII Croatia 2559
27 Lt-Col Feu GURU V France 2547
28 Tore Canu GURU VII Italy 2546
29 skodanaz GURU VII Taiwan 2538
30 Dora Neumann GURU IV Austria 2529
31 Liviu Ivanescu GURU VI Canada 2527
32 Gabor Levente GURU I Romania 2523
33 Adelinna GURU V Romania 2517
34 Debbie Squier-Bernst GURU VI Canada 2515
34 cachedigga GURU I Germany 2515
35 Jurgen Bauwens GURU V Belgium 2514
36 Adrian Popescu GURU VII Romania 2512
37 BenHua Undetermined break GURU V France 2506
38 Glenda Smith GURU I Australia 2484
39 Angie Methorst GURU V Netherlands 2483
40 Marco Grillo GURU VII Switzerland 2482
41 Kari Bence | 100 GURU V Norway 2479
41 Anne Barneveld GURU VII Netherlands 2479
41 Katalin Bólya GURU VI Hungary 2479
42 Wolfgang Jones GURU VI United States 2478
43 May Gal GURU V Israel 2466
44 Tr #Myshotphotographer GURU VI United States 2462
45 * Judit * Bardini * GURU VI Brazil 2460
46 nitsuga gnoto GURU VI Indonesia 2459
47 Amir Amiri GURU III Iran 2450
48 jw167898 GURU VII Indonesia 2447
49 Grazyna Duda GURU V Poland 2442
49 Jeff Patterson GURU VI United States 2442
50 Martina Leben GURU V Slovenia 2439
51 ⭐Marc Photo *Asianscapes*™ GURU VI Philippines 2438
52 Luís Perdigão 100 GURU VI Portugal 2434
53 Marcin Wojdyla GURU III Poland 2430
54 Jirka “myšák” Niš GURU V Czech Republic 2428
54 Gesztelyi-Nagy Margit GURU V Hungary 2428
55 Noel Kapica GURU V Slovenia 2422
55 Rach_who GURU II Australia 2422
55 Santiago Díaz León GURU VI Spain 2422
56 Paulo Abreu PnM GURU VI Portugal 2420
56 Turbo Sucks GURU V France, Metropolitan 2420
56 Martin Hesketh GURU III Ireland 2420
57 VinchenZZo - GSF GURU V France 2419
58 UNKNOWN | PnM GURU VI Portugal 2412
58 Marcela Barabasova GURU VII Italy 2412
59 KonstKonst GURU VI Bulgaria 2411
60 Elizabeth Miller MASTER United States 2409
61 Gurutz EDH GURU VI Iceland 2408
62 Nuno Sousa Dias GURU VI Portugal 2407
63 Ozzy Tezcan GURU VII Turkey 2404
63 Tozé Fonseca GURU VI Portugal 2404
64 Barbara Schaer MASTER Estonia 2398
65 Serge Cheba GURU V Ukraine 2394
65 Hisham Badran GURU V Egypt 2394
66 Christian Poyart GURU IV France 2392
67 Aaron Weinstock GURU II United States 2391
68 Gabor Fiedler GURU IV Hungary 2390
69 IG @jo_campa77 MASTER France 2389
69 KP Shalom GURU V Congo 2389
70 Fernando Schmidt GURU V Netherlands 2387
71 Rainhard Wiesinger GURU V Austria 2386
71 Christian Mueller GURU V Australia 2386
71 Teddy Domagalski GURU V United Kingdom 2386
71 Andre Carvalho GURU V Portugal 2386
72 Barbara Likter GURU V Croatia (Hrvatska) 2384
73 Scott Gilbert GURU III United Kingdom 2383
74 Zennifer I Travellers GURU V United States 2382
74 Yuliya Yuliyana GURU V Congo 2382
75 Marja Braaksma GURU VI Netherlands 2381
75 Maciej Zobel GURU V Poland 2381
75 Ragnhild Valen GURU III Norway 2381
75 svaman53 GURU IV Czechia 2381
76 Mary Palaiologou GURU V Greece 2379
77 Waldi C5 GURU VI Poland 2378
77 Vladimir Vladimirovich GURU III Montenegro 2378
78 Ernő Antal GURU III Germany 2376