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Everlasting Photographs

by El Padrino

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Margarita Sheliakina GURU I Australia 2767
2 Ilpo Ristimaki GURU IV Finland 2763
3 Nanda Jansen GURU V Netherlands 2719
4 Rabbit Of The Cold Land GURU IV Canada 2683
5 Catherine Litster GURU II United Kingdom 2648
6 Cat Anderson GURU III United States 2644
7 Ben De Winter GURU II Belgium 2632
8 Tim Hall GURU V Portugal 2631
9 Norbert "Mantis" G. GURU V Slovakia 2620
10 Antonio Mingione GURU V Italy 2615
11 Safi GURU II Hungary 2608
12 That Yellow Guy GURU VI Germany 2607
13 Hanna HK GURU V Indonesia 2597
14 landscapes0ficeland ... GURU III Iceland 2593
15 Andson Conceição GURU IV Brazil 2574
16 stop GENOCIDE (@iryna_raichuk) GURU IV Ukraine 2570
16 Salvijs Bilinskis GURU V Latvia 2570
17 Dilyana Dimova BGS More than a Team GURU VI Bulgaria 2567
18 Ma Ja GURU III Slovenia 2562
19 Luca Ionel GURU VI Italy 2560
20 Dianne Saphiere GURU II Mexico 2558
21 Monika Hadlowska GURU V Sweden 2557
22 Dirk Luus GURU VI South africa 2550
23 Kjersti Skistad GURU V Norway 2549
24 Margarisa Nevada GURU IV Spain 2547
25 Silent Llama GURU IV Finland 2544
26 Bruno Ribeiro GURU VI Portugal 2542
27 Joakim Finell GURU I Finland 2541
28 Walter Dega GURU V Canada 2536
29 ɯnuɹoꓘ oꓭ ヅ GURU VI Cambodia 2534
30 Bruce Nevin GURU II South Africa 2533
31 Si JR MASTER United Kingdom 2529
32 Fernando Santos GURU V Portugal 2528
33 Pat IH8Turbo GURU IV United States 2527
34 Frozen Llama GURU V Finland 2519
35 Zahra Irannejad GURU V United Kingdom 2518
36 Isfaaq Caunhye GURU Mauritius 2517
37 zorko GURU II Croatia 2514
38 serge stragier MASTER Belgium 2513
39 Dz.A.M.B.A.S D.r.a.g.a.n GURU V Serbia 2512
40 Nicol Nicolson GURU V Great Britain (UK) 2511
40 Olia Novik GURU III Italy 2511
41 ivanubis on IG GURU V Italy 2510
42 Taison Cisz GURU VI Spain 2509
43 Freya Of Kattegat GURU III Italy 2506
44 stephoto GURU VII France 2505
45 Daniel Šintaj GURU V Slovakia 2502
46 Martina Rojnic GURU V Croatia (Hrvatska) 2498
46 Greg Kopec GURU V France 2498
47 Mauro Castagna GURU V Italy 2497
48 Sandra Jonsson MASTER Sweden 2492
49 seb zepplin MASTER France 2491
50 the PILΛGO GURU VI Germany 2490
50 james edward GURU I United States 2490
51 INKA Shailraj GURU IV India 2489
52 Ariel Troncoso GURU II Chile 2488
52 Jiří Kliment GURU IV Czechia 2488
53 Carlos Kiffer GURU III Brazil 2487
53 ⭐️ azazel ⭐️ GURU I Switzerland 2487
54 Claudia Irace GURU IV Canada 2485
55 Gurutz EDH GURU VI Iceland 2483
56 Tina Pruitt GURU V United States 2482
57 Cândido Barroso GURU III France, Metropolitan 2481
57 Mircea Negulescu GURU III Romania 2481
58 the monkey turbocharged 100 GURU V Mozambique 2479
59 Michael Böckling GURU V Germany 2478
60 Wolf Among the Llamas GURU I Finland 2477
60 Aleksandar Tadić GURU IV Serbia 2477
61 elen.berezina GURU VI Canada 2476
62 patrickcottereau GURU V France 2471
63 Piotr Pawlik GURU VI Poland 2470
64 moreno.pinato04 GURU VI Italy 2467
64 Bart Buckalew GURU V United States 2467
64 Angie Abraham GURU III Australia 2467
65 Gunilla Gustafsson GURU V Sweden 2466
65 Marja Braaksma GURU V Netherlands 2466
66 Iosif Magomedov GURU V United States 2462
67 Freya the Fearless GURU II Belgium 2461
67 Nikolay Tatarchuk GURU VI Israel 2461
68 Emma Premfors GURU V Sweden 2460
69 Andrius Cibulskas GURU IV Lithuania 2459
70 Phil Green GURU III United Kingdom 2456
71 Patrick Slaedts GURU IV Belgium 2454
72 sara wennerqvist GURU V Sweden 2453
73 Magnus Forsberg GURU III Sweden 2452
74 Orhan TGF GURU V Turkey 2451
74 J S . . . GURU VI Portugal 2451
75 Diana Jakimcuka GURU V Latvia 2450
75 Dusan Kozoderovic GURU V Serbia 2450
76 Ewa Andryszczak GURU V Poland 2449
77 Juan Rodriguez GURU VI United States 2448
77 Gordana Cajner GURU VI Croatia (Hrvatska) 2448
78 Åke Wredh GURU II Sweden 2447
79 HoKa Photo GURU V United States 2446
80 George Snow ♫ GURU V Germany 2445
81 James Cruz GURU II Netherlands 2444
81 Wendy Vanhoudt GURU V Belgium 2444
81 Ngọc Trâm Trần - Vành Khuyên GURU VI United States 2444
82 Gabrielle Stewart GURU IV United Kingdom 2442
82 Jan Boesmans FF GURU V Belgium 2442
82 Banzrai Naransuch MASTER Mongolia 2442