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by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Veronica Andre GURU V Saint Helena 321
2 Marty Barr GURU II United states 312
3 jakethebratt GURU VI Canada 310
4 Tsira Kalabegashvili GURU I Georgia 305
5 Finlay Crawford GURU II United Kingdom 299
6 sasasa MASTER Czech Republic 298
7 Mir Oli CHALLENGER Bangladesh 297
7 Glenda Wilson ADVANCED United Kingdom 297
7 guest.90396.34678 NEWBIE United States 297
8 Lesli Marriott CHAMPION United States 295
8 Kerry Power GURU United Kingdom 295
9 Lotta Eklöf MASTER Sweden 294
9 Tilly Dixon VETERAN United States 294
10 Tanya On Vacation GURU VI Belarus 293
11 Antonia Antonia GURU II Maldives 292
12 tal praissler EXPERT Israel 287
13 estefani_s CHAMPION United States 285
14 jacek Slunsk GURU IV Poland 283
15 Shubhomoy Ray GURU IV Singapore 280
16 Reginald West MASTER United States 278
17 Kevin Nuñez EXPERT Honduras 275
18 George Ross ADVANCED United Kingdom 274
18 Marita Karlsson-Sandberg MASTER United States 274
19 Ziggy von Sreser GURU V Austria 271
19 Martin Cunningham GURU Great Britain (UK) 271
19 genevieve.hui.bon.hoa GURU VI France 271
20 DorothyD GURU I Canada 270
21 Standa Ly GURU II Ukraine 266
21 Joanna Rek MASTER Poland 266
22 Tracy King CHALLENGER United Kingdom 264
22 Deborah Engeler GURU IV Australia 264
23 Chuck Milledge GURU I United States 263
23 Terje Breisteinslien MASTER Norway 263
23 Tiina Kattel GURU V Estonia 263
23 Nina Wopat GURU Germany 263
24 Matthew Paskin GURU I United Kingdom 262
25 Kristina Johnson EXPERT Australia 261
25 Joaquim Leite GURU Portugal 261
25 Vanessa Sias EXPERT Brazil 261
26 Richards Pictures CHAMPION Great Britain (UK) 259
27 Not in Roma GURU VI Argentina 258
28 christine agneessens VETERAN France 257
28 Bruno Diamantino MASTER Portugal 257
29 Jiří Dušek GURU V Czechia 256
30 antoniuteodor GURU V United States 255
30 Regina Riedler CHAMPION Austria 255
30 exergy33 GURU I Romania 255
31 Mirosław Cybulski MASTER Poland 253
31 Casey McDonald MASTER Australia 253
31 Mandy Raddatz CHAMPION United States 253
32 David Bardt GURU United States 252
33 De Wet Oo CHAMPION South Africa 250
34 Miroslav Babic CHAMPION Republic of Lithuania 249
35 Mellamo Atef Amigo Aziz Jeff GURU V United States 248
35 Michael Eastwood MASTER South africa 248
35 Fred Tiles MASTER United Kingdom 248
36 Mustafa Derdiyok CHAMPION Türkiye 246
36 Reginald Rage CHAMPION Poland 246
37 kazac22 EXPERT Canada 245
38 Andre Miranda GURU VI Brazil 239
38 Laura Brown VETERAN United Kingdom 239
39 Muhammad Jamil CHALLENGER Pakistan 238
39 Natasha Gurney ROOKIE United Kingdom 238
40 guest.59410.99746 VETERAN United Kingdom 237
41 Tom Van Langenhoven GURU IV United States 236
42 wendy melton CHAMPION United States 234
43 Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbitsヅ GURU V United States 233
44 charalamboslouka MASTER Greece 231
44 world.citizen GURU United States 231
45 Pamela Whitenight CHAMPION United States 230
46 Emma Kettle MASTER United Kingdom 229
46 salix mandegar CHAMPION Iran 229
46 Jasna Maća MASTER Croatia (Hrvatska) 229
47 Kay Davis MASTER United States 228
48 guest.24232.46516 EXPERT Australia 227
49 Alexandra Trochidou CHALLENGER Greece 226
49 samer samir CHAMPION Egypt 226
50 mirjana blazic GURU Croatia (Hrvatska) 225
50 Jody Lynn Boettcher VETERAN United States 225
51 Jaxon Tattersall VETERAN Australia 224
51 lilian costabile MASTER Brazil 224
52 Attila Hicz GURU V Sweden 223
53 Victor Dominguez MASTER Mexico 221
53 Lottis BjWe CHAMPION Sweden 221
54 Tyler Plantz CHAMPION Canada 220
55 Dina Bersano GURU IV Israel 219
56 Benji Martin MASTER United States 215
56 ignaciobarradolopez62 CHAMPION Spain 215
57 Filipe de Oliveira MASTER Portugal 214
57 Huriye Erduran GURU III Turkey 214
58 Ősz Csaba MASTER Hungary 211
59 Ian Knox GURU V Great Britain (UK) 210
60 Maureen Harmer CHAMPION Ireland 209
61 Shannon Sanchez MASTER United States 208
63 José Zárate CHAMPION Mexico 204
64 Tanya Crisp MASTER United States 203
65 Jan Tromp MASTER Netherlands 201
66 Aaron Wright EXPERT United States 199
66 Joshua Laughman VETERAN United States 199
67 Roney G. Pereira GURU IV Brazil 196