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by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Sreenath Raghunath GURU United States 4351
2 Krzysztof Kozłowski GURU IV Poland 3893
3 Jonathan George CHAMPION United States 3858
4 danielemanuel NEWBIE Italy 3791
5 Sergey Shibaev GURU III Russia 3746
6 Giuliana Vega GURU Italy 3705
7 Sly Phox ROOKIE United States 3625
8 clubvan5 CHAMPION Netherlands 3620
9 Justin Arnold MASTER United Kingdom 3549
10 György Boros EXPERT Hungary 3515
11 Lakshman Veti GURU India 3485
12 Mr Laitinen CHAMPION Finland 3449
13 felder MASTER Germany 3434
14 nana1301 CHAMPION Germany 3430
15 Lynne Harpur MASTER New Zealand 3415
16 dave2119 EXPERT United States 3408
17 Ryan Nash ROOKIE United Kingdom 3405
18 Andrea Boldizsár CHAMPION Ireland 3402
19 Nenne Larson CHAMPION Sweden 3394
20 Marco Didu EXPERT Italy 3393
21 Curtis Beadle CHAMPION United Kingdom 3389
22 jpobursky EXPERT United States 3373
23 Riccardo Caprasecca EXPERT Italy 3367
24 p.oliver MASTER United Kingdom 3366
25 Ewa Ruda EXPERT Poland 3360
26 Barbara Solombrino MASTER Italy 3356
27 Edwin Francis GURU I South Africa 3354
28 theraven1230 CHAMPION United States 3346
29 Jose Manuel Fernandez EXPERT France 3334
30 Kristi Kuuse EXPERT Estonia 3323
31 Linda Gray EXPERT Canada 3306
32 Tomas Barta EXPERT Czechia 3300
33 Susan Beck CHAMPION United States 3298
34 Rob Shaw EXPERT United Kingdom 3295
35 haydarhaydargel ROOKIE United States 3291
36 bjornochnomi MASTER Sweden 3289
37 Nistor Szilard MASTER Romania 3276
38 SunTouched photos CHAMPION Bulgaria 3268
39 Pete Roberts EXPERT Great Britain (UK) 3266
40 Bettina Wetli EXPERT Switzerland 3243
41 shreyashi.sinha95 ROOKIE India 3208
42 Summer Greenberg EXPERT United States 3198
43 Jadan Duggar EXPERT United States 3189
44 miro Yo MASTER Israel 3188
44 suspicioussandboxshovel EXPERT Hungary 3188
45 trevor.deosaran ADVANCED United States 3185
46 Cláudia Borlas EXPERT Netherlands 3169
47 Giovanna Lucarelli NEWBIE Italy 3155
47 calmander.37 EXPERT United States 3155
48 Andreas Steynes MASTER Germany 3150
49 Rakesh Thanikachalam EXPERT India 3149
50 Benjamin Crabtree MASTER United States 3135
51 Orphan Wolf MASTER France 3132
52 Alain Menard EXPERT Canada 3129
53 charli3.bruc3 CHAMPION United Kingdom 3124
54 wytewidow69 CHAMPION Australia 3121
55 NEWBIE Hungary 3107
56 Nat Tournier MASTER France 3103
57 Petr Hanovec CHAMPION Czechia 3101
58 Keith SORENSEN EXPERT United States 3096
59 Curtis Winn EXPERT United States 3087
60 Gayan Raj MASTER United Arab Emirates 3086
61 Shania Vasquez CHALLENGER United States 3085
62 Aidan Cunningham EXPERT United Kingdom 3084
62 mariegrand00 CHAMPION Canada 3084
62 yacine.16 GURU I Algeria 3084
63 Corrado Valente MASTER Italy 3081
64 BeholdGodsGlory EXPERT United States 3080
65 Nathalie Pouliquen CHALLENGER France 3078
66 Sacarrabos PT GURU V Portugal 3074
67 The ❤️isual Artist 13 EXPERT United States 3069
67 abwalden EXPERT United States 3069
68 Charles Cipolla MASTER United States 3066
69 Vishal Dabhi VETERAN India 3064
69 bllandes94 CHALLENGER United States 3064
69 Angelo Carullo MASTER Spain 3064
70 aind el CHALLENGER Malaysia 3063
71 Ville Naaranoja EXPERT Finland 3061
72 Walter Kronberger EXPERT Austria 3059
73 Pedro Silva CHAMPION Portugal 3054
74 sanjayrajtk16 MASTER India 3053
75 branko-bane graovac GURU VI Serbia 3052
76 simon.oberthaler EXPERT Austria 3048
77 Peter Declerck EXPERT Belgium 3044
78 Ivan Perić EXPERT Serbia 3042
79 bogeygirl1441 CHALLENGER United States 3034
80 Victoria Viera EXPERT United States 3032
81 Alejandra Muñoz NEWBIE Mexico 3031
82 JT 8000 pictures EXPERT South Africa 3029
82 J.D. Palacios CHAMPION Argentina 3029
83 ajhillman92 EXPERT United Kingdom 3028
83 Pau Acosta #Turbo Out# GURU V Spain 3028
83 christopherezra NEWBIE United States 3028
84 valentinataran GURU IV France, Metropolitan 3027
85 Robbin EXPERT United States 3025
85 Mamuka Dotiashvili CHAMPION Georgia 3025
86 Laurie Romig CHAMPION United States 3020
86 Ljubomir Grgurovic MASTER Montenegro 3020
87 Virginija Zujūtė EXPERT Republic of Lithuania 3019
88 Paige Abraham VETERAN Canada 3015