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by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 CrystalBlue VETERAN United States 211
2 Manon Lodeweges CHAMPION Netherlands 185
3 James Grewer CHAMPION United Kingdom 180
4 Jonatan Carlgren CHALLENGER Sweden 168
5 Vesa Olkkonen GURU V Finland 166
6 Abra the kamikaze Vampire GURU VI Tuvalu 163
7 Manu Molina GURU Spain 160
8 jerryfkam GURU Canada 159
9 Jon Thomas GURU United Kingdom 157
9 guest.36484.26123 MASTER Czechia 157
9 Cristi G the Vampire GURU VI Romania 157
10 Sine Orr CHAMPION Australia 156
11 Jerzy sliwa EXPERT Poland 154
12 Nicole Saib NEWBIE Germany 152
12 MedixPix GURU I Canada 152
13 Kim van Drongelen CHAMPION Netherlands 151
14 Or Israel CHAMPION Israel 150
15 Fransisca van Staden MASTER South africa 149
16 Nico Erazo EXPERT Argentina 146
16 Fleur Bishop CHALLENGER United Kingdom 146
17 Tegwyn Fietze CHAMPION South Africa 145
18 omer atasayar CHAMPION Turkey 144
18 Natalya Leonova GURU I Russia 144
19 Richard Poirier GURU V Canada 143
20 Vile Upe MASTER Lithuania 142
21 Dima Mushko GURU IV Israel 140
21 Philip James Tams GURU V Great Britain (UK) 140
22 Markus Rhode MASTER Germany 139
22 gardenspook999 CHAMPION United States 139
22 Katie Leverenz MASTER United States 139
23 MeganShickhard MASTER Great Britain (UK) 137
24 henrik.marvil GURU III Sweden 134
25 Anke Witwe CHAMPION Germany 133
26 Lesley Andrew GURU I Great Britain (UK) 131
27 Brianna Nevins MASTER United States 130
27 Angelique Darrar ADVANCED United States 130
27 guest.83989.83589 ROOKIE United States 130
27 Maggie Lane VETERAN United States 130
28 Eleni Siami MASTER Greece 126
29 Rebecca Maltby MASTER United States 125
29 Victoria Bradford GURU United States 125
30 canonx GURU I Romania 124
31 misgm1.30329 GURU Portugal 123
32 Luis Mendes CHAMPION Portugal 121
33 D.Shurock VETERAN United States 120
33 Lucky Lukacs MASTER Hungary 120
33 Emily2024 VETERAN United States 120
33 Ωi Ero GURU V Italy 120
34 Simona Tringali MASTER Italy 118
35 vasil_davchev GURU II Bulgaria 117
35 guest.79857.14266 EXPERT United Kingdom 117
36 Alice Wakefield MASTER United States 116
37 Mellamo Atef Amigo Aziz Jeff GURU V United States 114
37 surfingdogs MASTER Australia 114
38 Katri Kotkas GURU I Estonia 112
38 Dmitriev Dmitry GURU I Belarus 112
38 Gaylene Meyer MASTER New Zealand 112
39 Dawn Sherman ADVANCED United States 111
40 Ruth Fletcher CHAMPION United Kingdom 109
40 Foto Severin MASTER Italy 109
41 Asta Rukaviciute GURU III United States 108
41 Thoranin Triwit GURU I Thailand 108
41 Petschen Photography ROOKIE Switzerland 108
42 Amir Pablo VETERAN Iran 106
43 nakisha_g EXPERT United States 105
44 Benji Martin MASTER United States 102
45 SatGuy EXPERT United States 101
45 Chantel Elle CHAMPION United States 101
46 Tamie Pucek MASTER United states 100
46 Ka Wai Ng NEWBIE United Kingdom 100
47 codyhewitt2315 NEWBIE Australia 98
48 Rui Lourenço GURU Portugal 97
49 Johnny Pederson VETERAN United States 96
50 Fran Gonzalez GURU V Spain 95
51 creatorphotography CHAMPION Spain 92
52 waaranpera MASTER Sweden 91
53 Shannan Anita VETERAN Canada 90
54 EssexWildlife Photography GURU Great Britain (UK) 89
55 Jamie Fields ROOKIE United States 88
55 barsony.b GURU V Spain 88
56 Helena Ivanova GURU II Ukraine 87
56 Amy Hall GURU II United States 87
57 graemeskinner08 GURU United Kingdom 85
58 Indre Vet MASTER Lithuania 83
59 Joana RF GURU I Portugal 81
60 Pink Flamingo CHAMPION South Africa 79
61 Linda Spicijarić MASTER Croatia 78
62 Andrea McAdam MASTER Great Britain (UK) 77
63 eddieackerman7 ROOKIE South Africa 75
64 edayoe GURU Germany 74
64 KittyCat31 ROOKIE United States 74
65 Daryl Ruciak GURU Australia 69
66 Bilha Gilad GURU V Israel 65
66 Marta Marta MASTER Poland 65
66 Matt Westerlaken GURU IV Netherlands 65
67 margy1 MASTER Great Britain (UK) 58
68 nbolton640 CHALLENGER South Africa 55
69 juanbetasset CHAMPION Spain 53
69 Bird Girl GURU IV United States 53
70 KarlMark Psaila MASTER Malta 51