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500 Guru's Picks

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 I Found My Nikon GURU I Poland 6286
2 Volodymyr Antypenko GURU V France 6176
3 Alejandro Arnberger GURU VI Austria 6010
4 Fabiano Dos Santos GURU V United States 5943
4 Nora Skerlecz GURU VII Hungary 5943
5 Donnie Darko Rabbit GURU V United States 5925
6 Claire Norris GURU IV United Kingdom 5914
7 Vinci enzo GURU V Switzerland 5897
8 Luca Sharabidze GURU II United States 5893
9 Steven Ekenstam GURU III United States 5886
10 Charles Gammon GURU II United States 5885
11 Ajit Deokar GURU II United States 5877
11 Victor Vascul Vampire GURU IV Germany 5877
12 Alberto Martin GURU II Spain 5863
13 Micha Mettier GURU VII Switzerland 5856
14 Josef Ducháč GURU Czechia 5852
15 Phil Green GURU III United Kingdom 5849
16 Klaus Schulmann GURU V Germany 5805
17 North Star GURU V Virgin Islands (UK) 5773
18 Teresa Melcer GURU III Canada 5736
19 ★ Nader El Assy ★ GURU V Egypt 5722
20 Sânziana Răchiţeanu GURU III Romania 5711
21 Bruno Ribeiro GURU VI Portugal 5682
22 landscapes0ficeland ... GURU III Iceland 5664
23 Dimitris Ziannis GURU VI Greece 5645
24 Long Ton-That GURU I United States 5644
25 Krzysztof Kozłowski GURU IV Poland 5643
26 Michael Brand GURU VI Netherlands 5634
27 Nu Yu GURU V United States 5629
28 D & Z Mrđanov GURU VI Canada 5610
29 Ilan Horn GURU VII Israel 5601
29 Péter Rabbit Brantzen GURU IV Germany 5601
30 Atanas Atanasov GURU II Bulgaria 5587
31 RooS .. GURU VI Netherlands 5582
32 Martin Filčík GURU VI Slovakia 5576
33 Bryle Gaylor GURU IV United States 5533
34 Pocho Linux GURU V Argentina 5530
35 safak ozuolmez GURU IV Turkey 5515
36 KW Choo GURU II Malaysia 5514
37 Khala Gohyo GURU IV Philippines 5493
38 Jakub mOOzgy Potoczek GURU V Poland 5491
39 O Valadares PT GURU VI Portugal 5490
40 Antonio Pascual Pedrero GURU VI Spain 5489
41 Nikoleta Zlateva GURU VI Bulgaria 5481
42 Marta’ S. Photostories GURU VI Switzerland 5478
43 Ondřej Kolesár GURU IV Czech Republic 5477
44 Marleen de Vries GURU IV Norway 5465
45 Caplikas Irca GURU II Switzerland 5455
46 yann Dlc GURU VI France 5448
47 Giannis Arzoumanidis GURU IV Greece 5443
48 The madhatter ⩋⨀⩀⨀⩋ GURU V France, Metropolitan 5440
49 Vali Slavu GURU VII Romania 5433
50 ponchis chis chis GURU V France 5421
50 Anca The Vampire GURU VII Romania 5421
51 Takis Bananis GURU III Greece 5412
52 Ludo P... GURU V France 5404
53 Sean Mason-Farmer GURU IV United Kingdom 5403
54 JJ, I don't play if I don't get the minigame GURU VI Spain 5395
55 Alain LABBE GURU V United States 5387
56 Pato Mola GURU V Argentina 5378
57 Michal Vaněk GURU VI Czechia 5373
58 Antonis Melanitis GURU V Greece 5370
59 Imad Eddine GURU II Algeria 5367
60 Ziets Zietsman GURU V South Africa 5360
61 cedric_zw GURU III Switzerland 5354
62 Laimute Kuriene GURU V Netherlands 5347
63 Eva Söderberg GURU V Sweden 5343
65 Gurkan Gundogdu GURU V Turkey 5334
66 ACT Woodman GURU VII Norway 5324
67 Miguel Barroqueiro GURU III Portugal 5309
67 Gábor Windt GURU I Hungary 5309
68 Mikael Amundsen GURU V Sweden 5301
69 Stefan Surugiu GURU II Romania 5300
70 Francesco Masi GURU VI Italy 5291
71 Torsten Sonne Petersen GURU III Denmark 5289
71 Pablo Esteban GURU V Argentina 5289
72 Gabry GS dont reward good pics GURU II Spain 5288
72 Elias Gulias GURU III Spain 5288
73 Leyla Kaya GURU IV Netherlands 5283
74 Nick Chrysogelos GURU III Greece 5270
75 Cristian Moretti GURU IV Italy 5267
76 Norbert "Mantis" G. GURU V Slovakia 5255
76 mmmmrvica GURU V Serbia 5255
77 El Karailieva @elkarailieva GURU V Bulgaria 5254
78 Goodbye GURUshots GURU IV Greece 5248
79 Garfie88 GURU III Poland 5243
79 Martina Leben GURU V Slovenia 5243
80 Mariana Stefanova GURU IV Bulgaria 5242
81 Valentinos Loucaides MASTER Cyprus 5226
82 Elisabeth Eidjord MASTER Norway 5223
83 Gabriel Mešter GURU III Slovakia 5220
84 Julien Maestroni GURU IV France 5214
85 andreas.binder.66 GURU IV Austria 5207
85 Hafsteinn Karlsson GURU I Iceland 5207
86 András Szaknyéri IG @towering_vision MASTER Hungary 5203
87 Marek Hudak GURU V Slovak Republic 5194
88 jbjb_1982 GURU VI Spain 5190
89 eme ce GURU II Argentina 5187
90 Markus Weber GURU V Austria 5184
91 Radek Frankfurt GURU III Germany 5183