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30 Minutes Express

by GuruShots Team

Top photographer

Rank Guru Votes
1 Ivonne Lpz GURU IV United States 1788
1 Timar Caius MASTER Romania 1788
2 Bert is relaxing GURU VI Netherlands 1772
3 Lt-Col Feu GURU V France 1765
4 joe704 MASTER United States 1764
5 Manta Tudor GURU V Romania 1763
6 Anca The Vampire GURU VII Romania 1756
7 Tore Canu GURU VII Italy 1754
8 Stan Townsend MASTER United States 1751
9 the P Giggity MASTER Portugal 1745
10 ༄シ㋛ ༻༺? GURU VI Austria 1735
11 Harry Eggens GURU VII Netherlands 1715
12 The Invisible Man ⭐ GURU IV United kingdom 1710
13 gowiththeflow87 GURU IV Hungary 1708
14 guillermodelariega GURU V Spain 1705
15 TJV Photography GURU IV Australia 1704
16 Finlay Crawford GURU II United Kingdom 1695
17 Eric Brisson GURU VI Canada 1692
18 Marika Hornokné GURU IV Hungary 1686
19 Burçin Akın GURU V Turkey 1684
19 Marta Jarošová GURU V Czech Republic 1684
20 Arya TurboIsDevil GURU V France 1680
21 Conte Vlad CHAMPION Italy 1679
22 Wendy Walkin GURU III Canada 1677
23 Kamal MP GURU India 1676
24 Hoàng Nhu GURU II Vietnam 1675
24 Ivana Stevanovic GURU III Serbia 1675
24 Freckardo Fraseri GURU IV Great Britain (UK) 1675
25 Surajeet Ghosh MASTER Denmark 1673
25 Neil_P GURU II United Kingdom 1673
26 Dominique JACQUOTOT GURU V France 1672
27 Christian Poyart GURU IV France 1671
27 Daggi M. GURU VI Germany 1671
28 Serega Gordienko GURU I Israel 1670
29 Jari Haiko GURU IV Finland 1666
30 JDI Jackyboy GURU IV Great Britain (UK) 1664
30 Lili Li GURU VI Croatia (Hrvatska) 1664
30 Ebru loves the Turkish tea GURU V Turkey 1664
31 Jean Baptiste Simon Lucentqui GURU III France 1663
32 Fred Hager GURU II United States 1659
33 Debby Wiekens GURU I Netherlands 1658
33 Frikkie Kapp GURU II South Africa 1658
34 Rick Thaxter MASTER Canada 1657
34 Fernando Nobre MASTER Portugal 1657
35 fire.phoenix.4 GURU III Germany 1656
36 Sitzwohl Bernhard GURU Austria 1653
37 wcollin8 GURU V United States 1651
38 Stefania Orsini MASTER Italy 1650
38 Bzh Photos GURU IV France 1650
39 Wild LoneWolf GURU V Great Britain (UK) 1649
40 Alexis Picchione GURU III United States 1647
40 anascharf GURU V Romania 1647
41 manu ◔◡◔ GURU V Italy 1646
41 Jirka “myšák” Niš GURU V Czech Republic 1646
42 Fred Matos GURU VII Brazil 1645
43 Britni Ann GURU V United States 1644
44 Lejla Balint GURU V Great Britain (UK) 1643
44 Adriaan Westra GURU I Netherlands 1643
44 Þorsteinn H Ingibergsson GURU V Iceland 1643
45 Gio gio MASTER Greece 1642
46 Iva Kovacevic GURU III Croatia (Hrvatska) 1639
47 Levente Iles GURU I Romania 1638
48 Ilona Puzon GURU V Poland 1637
49 Mellow Yellow GURU V Germany 1635
49 sakkielab.labuschagne MASTER New Zealand 1635
49 Eugene Shnaider GURU IV Ukraine 1635
50 kattel MASTER United Kingdom 1633
50 Steve the Bandit GURU V Great Britain (UK) 1633
51 james c. swARTz GURU VI Canada 1632
51 napsuti GURU IV Hungary 1632
52 SoniaCardoso GURU VI Portugal 1631
53 Debby Goetschalckx GURU II Belgium 1630
53 Anand Rajpara GURU V India 1630
54 A_ Asterix ヅ GURU V France 1629
54 Ioana Danciu GURU V Romania 1629
54 João Leitão GURU IV Portugal 1629
55 WillBPhoto GURU V United States 1628
56 Gone with the Wind GURU V Romania 1627
56 Goher Nayab GURU V United Kingdom 1627
57 Alice the Vampire GURU VI Romania 1625
57 just me - no team GURU I Ireland 1625
58 Jacob Hooper CHAMPION United States 1623
58 Jarek Parek MASTER Czechia 1623
59 Hans Lunenborg GURU VI Netherlands 1621
59 Grazyna Duda GURU V Poland 1621
59 Noé Lecona MASTER Mexico 1621
60 Aaron Uribe GURU III United States 1620
60 Darryn Brooks MASTER South Africa 1620
60 Dan Hefetz GURU II Israel 1620
60 Pavel Dimitrov GURU V Bulgaria 1620
60 Tal Alfandary GURU II Israel 1620
61 Daantje Duh GURU IV Netherlands 1618
61 n.g.foto GURU V Canada 1618
61 Adrian Tar GURU VI Romania 1618
62 Phil Breitz GURU France 1617
62 cuore_di_polly GURU IV Germany 1617
63 Asta Ku GURU V Ireland 1616
63 Tim Barrett GURU IV United Kingdom 1616
64 Marc Cezard GURU I France 1615
64 Alessio Cozzani GURU VI Bhutan 1615
65 Romas Ge GURU III Ireland 1614